Feb. 9, 2022
Contact: Stephanie Van Koevering
Regarding Governor Whitmer’s Proposal to Fund Before- and Afterschool Programming in MI
The Michigan Afterschool Partnership (MASP) today issued the following statement related to Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s plan to allocate $50 million to Michigan before- and afterschool programs.
“The governor’s budget plan makes good sense for the people of Michigan, and we look forward to working with a bipartisan group of legislative champions, including Rep. Thomas Albert and Sen. Jim Stamas, to adequately fund afterschool programming,” said MASP executive director Erin Skene Pratt. “High-quality out-of-school time learning opportunities are game-changers for students, who can make important connections with their own learning and with adult mentors who are ready to help boost social and emotional wellbeing. As we look to build the workforce and economy of tomorrow, this type of investment is critically important.
“What’s more, supporting before- and afterschool programming now helps address Michigan’s ongoing job crisis by allowing parents to re-enter the labor market sooner. That’s a win for our state’s employers both today and tomorrow.”
The Michigan After-School Partnership champions statewide access to quality and equitable Out-of-School Time (OST) programs to ensure that all children and youth succeed. MASP has been aggressively advocating for statewide OST funding for community-based providers, who are playing a key role in helping re-engage students in their learning following the COVID-19 pandemic.
Additional information about MASP can be found at
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