Scholarship Opportunities
T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® Michigan can provide financial support for eligible applicants to receive a reimbursement of 85% of costs associated with obtaining a Michigan Youth Development Associate Credential. The Credential program represents the combined efforts of representatives from school-age and youth groups across Michigan to define competencies for youth development professionals in our state.
The scholarship will start off as a reimbursement scholarship, with the following program requirements and specifications:
T.E.A.C.H. pays 85% of the MiYDA credential fee ($299 total)
The scholarship recipient is responsible for just 15% of the MiYDA credential fee (which may be paid by employer, if elected)
In exchange for the scholarship support, the recipient agrees to complete six months of service within the field (or to the specific employer, if 15% is paid by employer)
$200 bonus upon completion
Staff who work for star-rated centers will receive a $150 star-rating stiped that will reduce their 15% obligation still further.