Health, Nutrition & Physical Education
Food Research and Action Center: FRAC’s Featured Resources on Nutrition
The Food Research and Action Center (FRAC) offers a list of meal sites across Michigan by accessing this interactive map. Other resources:
A Guide to Ensuring Children have Access to Nutritious Meals during COVID-19 School Closures: FRAC has created this guide to share the options available to school districts and community partners to serve meals, answer commonly asked questions, and share best practices. Schools and nonprofit sponsors should consult with their state child nutrition agency prior to serving meals in order to ensure that the meals are eligible to be reimbursed. This guide is based on information available as of April 21, 2020. FRAC will continue to update this document as things evolve.
Child and Adult Care Food Program: New USDA Waivers (fact sheet)
Pandemic EBT (fact sheet)
CACFP Update: Families First Act (report)
Ensuring Access to the Child Nutrition Programs In the Event of School Closures (interactive data tool)
State of the States: Profiles of Hunger, Poverty, and Federal Nutrition Programs (interactive data tool)