Virtual Resources
MASP and QTurn Group Develop ‘Guidance for Afterschool Learning at a Distance Standards, and Self-Assessment Manual
The Michigan After-School Partnership, working with the QTurn Group and Principal Partner Dr. Charles Smith, have created the document - Guidance for Afterschool Learning at a Distance Standards (Guidance) and Self-Assessment Manual - for use by out-of-school time educators. Also available is a curated list of useful online resources. The project was funded through a grant from the Michigan Department of Education.
The Guidance document is a set of program standards and self-assessment questions for afterschool program managers and staff who are responsible for delivering OST services to young people in a household learning environment. The purpose of these resources is to provide (a) a quality lens through which to evaluate promising practices for learning at a distance and (b) a self-assessment tool for getting specific about what and where supports are needed. This guidance is a work-in-progress, and the current self-assessment manual and rubric forms are the third iteration, with version 4.0 to follow. Version 4.0 will include real examples, drawn directly from the field, of promising practices related to each indicator.
Guidance for Afterschool Learning at a Distance Standards (Guidance)
KydNet Virtual Learning Hub Features Interactive Database of Program Offerings
The KYD Network, the intermediary organization for Kalamazoo County's Out of School Time (OST) sector, has launched its Virtual Learning Hub, an interactive and "real time" database of local virtual program offerings. This hub includes information from local school districts and out-of-school time programs. Find the Virtual Hub at under the "Program Finder" tab.
Teacher to Filmmaker: A Guide for Educators Making Learning Videos
Author/illustrator, filmmaker, and educator Jeff Jantz shares tips and tricks of the trade to help teachers up their video-production game. During the COVID-19 outbreak, millions of teachers are finding themselves adjusting the teaching techniques they have been mastering for years to fit into a virtual format. This video will break down the DIY filmmaking process in a way that teachers can use to adapt their lessons and classroom activities. View the video here!
Wayne State’s C2 Pipeline has Virtual Resources
The Wayne State University C2 Pipeline 21st CCLC programs have put together a list of virtual learning resources. You can view the resources here.
220 Leadership Offers Free Courses and Resources
220 Leadership is offering free challenges and resources, you can sign up by visiting this site: They are also offering The Leadership Course to educators and students for free! To sign up for this course visit: